The Daily Mail Official War Post Cards (Crown Copyright Reserved) were produced from photographs taken by official war photographers based on the Western Front. They did not show the true horror of trench warfare, but they did provide a pictorial record for the public.

The cards were released between September 1916 and April 1917. There were 176 cards in 22 sets, each of 8 cards, sometimes sold in packets each containing a set of cards for 6d.
Within this total of 176 cards, 105 different photographs were used, mostly of images from the Battle of the Somme.
[ Ref: Allen, Tony – The Daily Mail Official War Postcards (e-book, 2011) ]
The Daily Mail, which was granted by the Press Bureau the exclusive right to reproduce these photographs, undertook to hand over half of the nett profits from the sale of these postcards (minimum £5,000) to be devoted to military charities.
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