St Albans and other pageants

Raphael Tuck & Sons Ltd published at least three series of postcards depicting important events/scenes from history as presented in the “St Albans Pageant 1907”.

The St Albans Pageant took place at the height of “pageant fever” in Edwardian England, and was in many respects a typical example of the genre.  It took place outdoors, in Verulamium Park - the site of the old Roman city, at the time in private ownership in the hands of the Earl of Verulam, but later a public park - and depicted eight scenes of local history, beginning with Cassivelaunus’ surrender to Julius Caesar in BC 54 and ending with a visit by Elizabeth I in 1572.  The pageant master was Herbert Jarman (1871-1919).

A more detailed article about the St Albans Pageant may be found here.

The main part of this album comprises postcards depicting scenes from the St Albans Pageant.  A few cards showing scenes from the Chester, Warwick and Liverpool pageants as well as the Festival of Empire (Pageant of London) from the same period are also included below.


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