Holiday Texas Scramble


The TT Roll-up’s first (but hopefully not last) Holiday Texas Scramble took place on Thursday 29th December 2016 on the Green course.  A total of 15 members participated, formed into five 3-balls with reasonably balanced handicaps.

The weather was sunny, cold and frosty, so the course conditions were hard and bouncy, but playing conditions were reasonably comfortable.  All temporary greens were in use.

The scoring was good, with the winning team scoring 59 (-10) and the highest score being 65 (-4).  Full results were as follows:

Team - Parker/Willliams/L Clarke       59 (-10 / -17)

Team - Walker/Bettles/Wakefield       61 (-8 / -14)

Team - Wilson/French/Thompson      63 (back nine 31) (-6 / -13)

Team - Wragg/Atkinson/Thomas        63 (back nine 33) (-6 / -11)

Team - Gavaghan/Rowland/Pearson 65 (-4 / -10)

Since the team groupings were all 3-balls with reasonably balanced handicaps, it was not necessary to apply any handicap adjustment. However, for the information of the nerds among us, if an adjustment based on one-eighth of total team handicap had been applied, the results would have been the same, as indicated above.

Anyway, the Texas Scramble format made for an enjoyable and fun afternoon’s golf and was a pleasant change from the usual TT Roll-up Stableford competitions.  To be tried again in due course……..